Friday, January 22, 2010

Rock County Register Of Deeds How Do I Volunteer For Jury Duty In My County (Rock Island, IL)?

How do I volunteer for Jury duty in my county (Rock Island, IL)? - rock county register of deeds

I'm retired and bored. I have read so much about how the jury duty. You have chosen to two juries in the last 10 years (as a foreman in both cases). It was fun - not. It was important - YES. They wanted to serve on these boards before I will retire - no (but I) anyway.

Now I want to do a bit of time to anything, other citizen or not, or have no time to be doing this.



obxresq said...

Please contact clerk in your community. I do not think you can volunteer for the service, but the laws of your state may be different. However, you may need to volunteer with the functions of the legal system as a whole garden, or even most of the sheriff's office relies on volunteers for many things.

Best of luck in their community, for years no longer be changed and for all.

THE SINGER said...

It's great if you want to volunteer, however, that the system is fair, the best way to ensure an overview of people and that profits are the great variety that is used on the election list of the people. I do not know how to get his name - but I know that if you are already a registered voter, it is very likely that you have selected. Be sure to vote regularly.

kaz716 said...

I do not think you can report voluntarily. Summons are sent at random. But I've heard that if you're in one, you will recall, it is not impossible to serve a new opportunity.

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